“What’s Wrong With My Cat?” Cat Owners Post Hilarious Pics (10 Pics)

“What’s Wrong With Your Cat” is an online Reddit group, the people and cat owners post the funniest pics in this group. If you check the below photographs I am sure you will enjoy and laugh. You can see these cats acting weirder than they usually do from seeming like they have no bones in their body to getting stuck in hilarious places.

Scroll down and enjoy yourself.

1. I never knew cats had such long necks


2. This one needs to be restarted at once


3. He looks just as surprised to be there


4. I’m Batman.


5. I’ll just hide in here, so no one can see me


6. Caught in the middle of a freakout


7. It looks like her evil plan failed and now she is cursing herself


8. I fit so I sit?


9. This is a perfectly normal way to sit.


10. So. so. Tiredzzzz….zzzz…zzz…
