Watch cat’s reaction when he wants to go outside.

This sweet kitty is begging to go outside so that he can play with the neighbors cat.

It’s the way in which he begs makes this so incredibly adorable.

Watch as his paws appear to be miming the motion of turning the doorknob.

Have you ever seen such a thing!?

Those adorable jellybean paws are just too irresistibly cute and this kitty will melt your heart to pieces, what an adorable polite sweetheart!

We hope he got to go outside because how could anyone say “no” to this!?




Helpful Cat Opens Door for Puppies

After playing in the backyard, kitty opens the door to let in his entourage of puppies.

They’ve got a common goal of getting inside, and this cat is ready to make it happen.

A bunch of puppies and a cat try to break into a house.

That is until a cat figures out how to open the door.