This cat is the master of secret bunny pokes.

Ninja Cat Pokes Rabbit

This fluffy little rabbit is not interested in playing the cat’s silly game.

He knows full well what the cat’s up to: If he makes a run for it, the cat’s predator instinct will kick in, and then it’s R.I.P. Mr. Bunny.

So he plays it smart and makes like a statue.

No one likes to be poked and prodded, and the cat knows he just has to be annoying long enough for the rabbit to get irritated and move.

So he switches sides to see if that’ll do any good.





Kitten raised with bunny thinks he’s a rabbit

Here’s what’s going to happen to your cat when it grows up with a bunny sibling.

The clip showed a cat hopping, almost similar to how bunnies do it.

They must have been living together for a long time, as it looks like a result of keen observation.

We’re starting to see how the phrase “copycat” got its name!