This adorable kitty gets the surprise of its life. Stoop correction machine for cat.

The original uploader of the video says the compact disc that suddenly juts out from the side of the iMac miraculously cured his/her cat of its stooped back and claims the animal was just so wowed by the iMac’s amazing features that it sat straight up.

Cat gets the surprise of its life after it stupidly paws at an iMac for a few seconds.

Curiosity doesn’t kill, but certainly surprises, the cat in this adorable video.




Cat Goes Viral For Its Incredible Skateboarding Skills

One adorable little white Himalayan cat named Yeti is becoming quite the viral sensation with his skateboarding skills.

Yeti the cat took owners Kylee Kimler and Randy Price, who live in Vancouver, by surprise when he took a liking to the skateboard in their living room when their backs were turned.

With one paw on the board, he used the other to smoothly set the wheels in motion, and hopped on when it began rolling across the floor.





They Put A Tiny Santa Hat On Their Cat.

Murphy, the orange tabby cat unceremoniously topped with a tiny Santa hat, is aware of the struggle.

Naturally, this cat wants nothing to do with festive santa hats, and probably Christmas in general.

But every time the cat turns its head, the hat surprises him on the opposite side.

Christmas spirit? Please, get this thing off of me.