Tabby Cat Does Crunches at the Gym, Leaves The Internet Laughing Hard.

Tabby Cat Does Crunches At The Gym

In the hilarious video, a cat is seen doing sit-ups in a gym to reduce belly.

The tabby cat walks up to a bench, flops onto his back, and starts moving in a way that resembles crunches.

Ironically, experts believe the cat isn’t doing crunches but is instead trying to groom himself, something the cat might struggle with because he’s a little overweight.





They Put A Tiny Santa Hat On Their Cat.

Murphy, the orange tabby cat unceremoniously topped with a tiny Santa hat, is aware of the struggle.

Naturally, this cat wants nothing to do with festive santa hats, and probably Christmas in general.

But every time the cat turns its head, the hat surprises him on the opposite side.

Christmas spirit? Please, get this thing off of me.