Man never wanted a pet — until he found a stray kitten in his backyard and nursed her back to health

According to an article by Imgur, a man heard a faint crying coming from his backyard and spotted a small stray kitten in the hole under his fence, alone and seemingly abandoned.

“She was the runt and the mom abandoned her after moving the litter,” he wrote.

He dug the cat out took her inside, and decided to take care of the cat, essentially taking over the role of her “mother.”

She was so young that she didn’t open her eyes for ten days. The man had to bottle feed her and warm her bed every two and a half hours, even if it meant coming home or waking up in the middle of the night.

After 11 days, the kitten opened her eyes and looked up at him in gratitude:

He kept the kitten, and soon she made herself at home and grew up fast.

And of course, she stayed loyal and loving to her new owner, giving him plenty of cuddles and affection:

The man and the kitten have been together ever since and moved together to a new city.

She’s grown up to be a “very pretty and very loving cat.”

It’s a beautiful friendship, but one the man never expected—a reminder that sometimes life works out in mysterious ways.

“I never wanted a pet but I’m glad I have her,” he wrote.

Thank you to this man for taking care of this poor cat! We know she will love you forever.

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