Kitten With Adorable Ears Is So Happy to Be Loved After She Was Rescued as Stray

Earlier this month, a stray kitten was found and taken to the Rowan County Animal Shelter in North Carolina.

She suffered from a cold and a neck injury.

A friendly stray with Yoda-like ears has been taken to Cabarrus Animal Hospital for medical attention.

She immediately won the hearts of all the staff. “Alisha Kidwell, MD, is treating her.”

Yana Aviles, an assistant veterinarian at the clinic, describes the cat as “extremely sweet and friendly”.

Kitty weighed around 2 kg. It may be small, but it’s still full of endearing idiosyncrasies.

According to Shelby Beers, a veterinary technician, the cat lacks incisors, which means it often sticks out its tongue, which only adds to its charm.

“We don’t know how old she is (exactly). She is young, about a year old. Too small for an adult cat,” says Shelby.

“She is better and resting comfortably, cuddled up by the staff here.”

The cute kitten turned out to be a superb weasel. She needs cuddles and loves spending time with people.

“We carry her around in our hoodies in our hoodies and she falls asleep,” Shelby says.

The kitty does not yet have a name, but the workers affectionately call him Yoda for his cute and unusual ears, which are reminiscent of this character.

“She’s shy but always ready to melt in the face of adoration.” Shelby describes her as “a wonderfully affectionate and sweet kitten”.

This fluffy gem is currently in a veterinary facility where she is being carefully cared for and supported in her recovery.

“In the United States, there are 70 million stray cats, but the capture service only discovers four million a year,” Yana writes.

Sweet kitten is in for a treat.

Cat Yoda is boldly striding towards her wonderful future now that she is no longer responsible for a roof over her head.

What makes you think you won’t adopt one?