Adorable Kitten Asks For A Kiss Before Taking a Nap.

Cute kitten asks for kisses before nap

This adorable little kitty insists on having a kiss from her human just before snuggling up for a nap.

Spurred on by his owner the cute little pet nervously edged closer towards her before planting a kiss on her lips.

Content, he then climbed down and nestled himself next to her arm ready to have a nap.

This is truly one heart-warming moment!





These Cats And Dogs Hate Kisses.

Do you have your beloved pet? The one guy or girl who will always be there to give you unconditional love and affection.

As every pet owner knows, there are few things more fun than pampering, hugging and kissing our beloved dogs and cats.

However, cats, and even dogs, aren’t always fond of cuddles.

The proof below that’ll surely make you laugh out loud!