A woman captured the hilarious moment a random cat tried to get inside.


A cat’s relentless attempts to pay a surprise visit to a woman.

Out of nowhere the acrobatic cat managed to catapult itself up to the opening of her window, leaving her stunned.

After successfully managing to grab onto the plastic with its two front paws, it attempted to haul itself up over the barrier.

But, try as it might, the poor cat lacked the strength to pull itself up, and the desperate struggle began.

The cat started swaying left and right against the window, and looked as it if was going to fall numerous times.

The fur ball kept at it for about half a minute before finally managing to squeeze through the tight opening.

Clearly pleased with itself, the persevering pet happily ran straight to the baffled host.




This Cat Is Sick Of His Kid

This cat is sick of his little human so devises a little plan to silence the child…by doing something you wouldn’t have imagined!



Just watch what happens when this baby crawls into the cabinet and the cat seizes his opportunity!

The kitty is probably thinking this is the “purrfect” solution to his problem.



A silly tuxedo cat accidentally closed the door on an adorable baby who crawled directly into an open kitchen cabinet.

Luckily, mom was around to rescue the oblivious little one from being trapped inside.