Cat’s hilarious reaction to its owner using a cat-face filter.

Owner Shares Cat’s Reaction To Cat-Face Filter On TikTok

While Anne holds Pixel in her lap, she is trying out a filter on her face that looks like a fluffy gray cat.

As Anne and Pixel both watch the result of the camera app on her phone screen, viewers can see the cat’s hilarious reaction directly in return.

The poor cat doesn’t know what to think, but his expression screams “terrified.”

He rounds his eyes in sheer astonishment.




Cat’s Reaction To Getting Its Teeth Brushed For The First Time

LOL! A toothbrush was all it took to blow this cat’s mind!

I can’t stop laughing at this cat’s reaction to getting its teeth brushed. Enjoy!


We’re positive that this is the first time that this cat ever had his tooth brushed.

Take a look at the video below and see this cat’s hilarious reaction when his human brushed his teeth for the very first time!