Cat’s reaction to challenges of motherhood. Pretty cute!

Welcome to motherhood!

This gray and white cat is lying in bed with her seven kittens.

The kittens are agitated and move here and there taking the opportunity to play their mischief.

Meanwhile one of her kittens climbs on her head and she enjoys doing nice acrobatics.





Animal’s motherhood is also sacred

A mother dog thought that her babies were getting punished and tried to protect them.

While her babies were never in any danger it really shows what being a mother is all about.



When the owners of this mother dog tried to punish her puppies, she initially sits back and doesn’t know what to do at first.



As soon as she noticed the person is raising a shoe and could hit the puppies, the mother runs to protect them.



She doesn’t want anything to happen to her puppies and tries to take the shoes from the person’s hand.