Adorable ‘Ninja’ Cat Steals Food Right Out Of Her Owner’s Fork.

The video is too epic to miss!

This greedy cat has become a sensation after learning to snatch food right off her owner’s fork, though some people have criticised her antics as unhygienic.

In the clip, we can see Eva standing on her dad Vincenzo’s shoulder.

He is simply enjoying a grilled chicken, eating with a fork and knife.

The moment he starts to put the bite of chicken into his mouth, Eva grabs it from him in one swift motion with her ‘Ninja’ skills.

This leaves Vincenzo utterly shocked!




There is no arguing that cats are intelligent creatures who seem to be getting smarter all the time.

Take the cat in this video clip as a prime example.

When was the last time you saw a precious kitty eating with a spoon? Never? Well, that’s all about to change right meow!

Non-chan the cat loves to eat yogurt, although he appears to be having some difficulty accessing the hard to reach areas. If only he could learn how to use that spoon.





Sneaky Cat Tries To Steal Chicken Drumstick From Its Owner In A Very Hilarious Way

One person caught his cat’s manipulative ways of pretending to be affectionate towards him just to steal his chicken drumstick.

The cat gently licked her owner and pretended to love being cuddled before it inched its way to the chicken leg.

But, sadly, her owner noticed her tactic and before she could get a hold of it, he told it off saying NO!

However, the cat tried again but this time she waited for him to get distracted.

Do you think the cat managed to steal the drumstick in the end?