CAT OR DOG? Looks like a cat, pants like a dog.

Cat that acts like a dog

Dogs and cats don’t usually get along, but this feline seems to be going through a bit of an identity crisis.

The clip shows a gray cat basically teleporting into the picture out of nowhere.

With lightning speed, it jumps on a counter and then slides down a support pillar.

And just in case the frantic vibes weren’t already strong enough, the pet then turns its face to the camera… and starts panting like a dog!




Cat Helps Struggling Puppy Get Through The Gate

The dog becomes stuck when trying to wiggle its legs and tail through.

The feline tries to pull the pooch through by its arms.



The puppy manages to slide its head through the hole by standing up on its hind legs.

However, its rear legs and tail remain stuck.



So the kitten steps to the side and reaches through another gap, pressing its paw on the puppy’s backside to push it the remainder of the way through.



Finally, the dog scrambles through the hole and wags its tail ferociously as it begins to play with the kitten.