Cat Gets Sick Of His Little Human…Then Does This!

This Cat Is Sick Of His Kid

This cat is sick of his little human so devises a little plan to silence the child…by doing something you wouldn’t have imagined!



Just watch what happens when this baby crawls into the cabinet and the cat seizes his opportunity!

The kitty is probably thinking this is the “purrfect” solution to his problem.



A silly tuxedo cat accidentally closed the door on an adorable baby who crawled directly into an open kitchen cabinet.

Luckily, mom was around to rescue the oblivious little one from being trapped inside.




Watch the Incredible Parkour Skills of a Cat

The cat focused on the object in its owner’s hand.

As soon as the object landed on top of the cabinet, the cat immediately parkoured.

It amazingly jumped from the bed to a chair, then the door, and leaped on the cabinet.

The feline easily found the object and jumped back to its human.

It seemed like the cat already knew how to get on top of the cabinet.

The feline did not slip, fall, or even pause to assess the way.