Cat Found in Snow is So Happy To be Saved She Can’t Stop Thanking Her Rescuers

Every winter we see stray cats freezing outside. Some of them are saved, others are left to their own destiny.

The cat you see in the video below was very lucky – it was saved by a girl named Jennifer and two of her friends who probably saved her life.

The kitten was stuck in deep snow and would surely die if Jennifer hadn’t arrived.

It was freezing cold and hungry and also very lucky because Jennifer and her friends were in the right place at the right time.

As soon as Jennifer tried to pick up the cat, it jumped in her arms and licked her hands as a “Thank you”.

The girl brought the cat to a shelter, where she was provided with all the help she needed.

After a few weeks, the cat is finally strong enough to be put up for adoption, and we hope she finds a loving new home. Check her story out in the video below:

Kittens trapped under car, thanks cop who saved their lives with cuddles

According to a Facebook post from the Arlington Police Department, Officers Adkins and Hilliard were dispatched to a local TJ Maxx and then approached by a manager for help in another situation.

The officers, Adkins and Hillard, went and dealt with the call, and then they headed out to their cars.

As they were crossing the parking lot, a woman called out for help.

The woman told the officers that there were two small kittens under her car.


The officers knelt down and saw two small faces staring at them.

“The owner of the car said she didn’t have a cat and she didn’t know how the kittens got in there.”

“They located the kittens inside the bumper where most likely the mother cat had placed them for some reason.”

The kittens started meowing loudly when they saw the police officers staring at them. They seemed to realize that the officers were there to help them.

Fortunately, the officers were able to quickly locate the kitten and Officer Adkins got underneath the vehicle to remove the kittens safely.


Officer Adkins reached under the car and picked up the kittens. Then, he brought the kittens back to his car.

When they got to the car, the kittens wouldn’t stop cuddling with Adkins.


The kittens clung onto Adkins and refused to let him go. They had already bonded with their rescuer!

Adkins brought the kittens over to the vet to get checked out.

And thankfully, the story has a very happy ending: Officer Adkins decided to adopt the two kittens himself!


He was reportedly thinking of naming them “TJ and “Max,” after the store where they were found.

Thank you to these officers for saving these cats, and thank you to Officer Adkins for giving them a home!

It’s clear these kittens were very grateful for your kindness.