Cat delivers flying kick to aggressive German Shepherd.

A video has gone viral on the internet that showed an unexpected encounter between a stray cat and a German Shepherd.

In the video, both the animals look ready to attack each other.

The dog is buckled up and can be seen being controlled by its owner, who is struggling to hold him, while he barks at the cat.

The barking provokes the cat and it takes no time to show his aerobic skills.

The cat delivers what appears like a swinging flying kick to the dog’s face.



Ninja Cat Pokes Rabbit

This fluffy little rabbit is not interested in playing the cat’s silly game.

He knows full well what the cat’s up to: If he makes a run for it, the cat’s predator instinct will kick in, and then it’s R.I.P. Mr. Bunny.

So he plays it smart and makes like a statue.

No one likes to be poked and prodded, and the cat knows he just has to be annoying long enough for the rabbit to get irritated and move.

So he switches sides to see if that’ll do any good.