Stubborn cat clings on to door frame to avoid the freezing outside.

A clip shows a British Shorthair kitten encountering freezing winter temperatures for the first time in his life.

The cat and his human standing by a sliding door looking out.

The human is ‘inviting’ his cat to go outside but the cat clings to the door frame to avoid the icy cold.

The stubborn kitty tightens his grip on the doorframe. He isn’t going anywhere.






The Chihuahua had no idea it was about to be pranked.

While we don’t know whether the cat realises that someone or something is about to come through the door, it sit patiently waiting by an open door.

After a few moments, a tiny Chihuahua wearing a little red jumper comes into view in the doorway.

As the dog, completely unaware of the cat, gets closer, the cat leaps towards the dog.