‘Against all odds’: Cat rescued from ledge of highway overpass

According to a Facebook post from the City of San Antonio Animal Protection Services, Animal Control Officer Tutak and Animal Control Sergeant Flores responded to a call about a cat stuck on a highway overpass with no possible escape.

Facebook/City of San Antonio Animal Care Services

When they arrived on the scene, they found the cat “Stunt Devil” lying on the edge of the overpass and had to be careful not to scare the cat, or he might jump from the precarious position.

Facebook/City of San Antonio Animal Care Services

The cat apparently didn’t trust the police at first, but he became familiar with them once he realized they were there to help him and let them pick him up.

Facebook/City of San Antonio Animal Care Services

The cat, now named “Bridges,” was taken to the animal emergency room. According to the Facebook post, Bridges was “a bit ravenous” when he was offered food and water and was suffering from an upper respiratory infection, but was otherwise in good health.

After being checked out and cleared for any medical concerns, he was transported back to Animal Care Services for “further love and care.”

Facebook/City of San Antonio Animal Care Services

“He is now resting and feeling more comfortable in our foster cat building,” ACS wrote.

The department said Bridges is now available for adoption. They also thanked Officer Tutak and Sergeant Flores for saving the cat’s life.

What an incredible rescue! So glad that Bridges is now safe and sound against all odds. Thank you to these officers for saving him!